Chapter 36 Statistical Power

36.1 What is statistical power?

36.2 Performing Power Analysis

Required sample size for measuring a mean with a desired precision. a function to compute the required sample size for estimating a mean with a specified precision that requires a standard deviation, a half-width interval and a maximum sample size

##       [,1]      [,2]
##  [1,]   NA        NA
##  [2,]   NA        NA
##  [3,]    3 166.61538
##  [4,]    4  91.15168
##  [5,]    5  69.37783
##  [6,]    6  59.47102
##  [7,]    7  53.88640
##  [8,]    8  50.32303
##  [9,]    9  47.85890
## [10,]   10  46.05620
## [11,]   11  44.68142
## [12,]   12  43.59902
## [13,]   13  42.72503
## [14,]   14  42.00473
## [15,]   15  41.40099
## [16,]   16  40.88769
## [17,]   17  40.44599
## [18,]   18  40.06190
## [19,]   19  39.72486
## [20,]   20  39.42675
## [21,]   21  39.16119
## [22,]   22  38.92314
## [23,]   23  38.70855
## [24,]   24  38.51410
## [25,]   25  38.33710
## [26,]   26  38.17529
## [27,]   27  38.02681
## [28,]   28  37.89008
## [29,]   29  37.76375
## [30,]   30  37.64668
## [31,]   31  37.53789
## [32,]   32  37.43654
## [33,]   33  37.34188
## [34,]   34  37.25327
## [35,]   35  37.17016
## [36,]   36  37.09204
## [37,]   37  37.01849
## [38,]   38  36.94910
## [39,]   39  36.88355
## [40,]   40  36.82151

## [1] "minimum sample size required:"
## [1] 37